Washing machine is now broken- it must be jealous of that new water heater I put in last month! I really hope the dishwasher doesn't get any bright ideas... I guess I'll just keep reminding the other appliances that they should NEVER give in to peer pressure!!
Love Coco's comment that the saying is not- life is hard! It's life is always hard! So true- just a great thing that the harder the life = the more the blessings (I guess with October and Halloween right around the corner, the blessings in my life are trying for the perfect disguise!!! Ha! But rest assured, they are there!)
Why this blog...
I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)
I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!
Monday, September 26, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Single in Life- so why can't there be a rule to have only a single problem?!
Looong week! Sometimes (well quite often really) I wish that life could understand that I am single and only send me a single problem to deal with at a time!!! Ha! If only...
And being a single parent (not even having someone else to talk to/complain to/ garner sympathy from) well, it's frustrating on most weeks, but this week has been a real winner! I've been having trouble with the 'boys', one in the form of communication (or lack thereof) and one with some very teenage type behaviors! (including a really 'fun' talk with a teacher.) But none of that would be so hard if it weren't for everything else- Jon had another neuropsych eval (results coming soon)- meaning I had to take a day off (getting a sub always seems to triple the work when I get back), Jon had to miss a day of school (putting him behind), and I refuse to even think of the bill that will be coming- just in time for Christmas! (Merry Christmas to me!) Then there is the fun that comes from trying to make the budget somewhat balance... yes, I have some opportunities for a little extra work/money coming my way but- well, let's just say this: I found out my first day of attendance school duty will be the same day as P/T conferences, meaning a 'restful' 14 hour work day for me on a Tuesday! (with Wednesday & P/T conf. plus Thursday still to go). It's great that I have a chance to make a little extra for attendance school but really trying to remember why I volunteered to be at work at 6 AM! And what will Jon be up to without me home at all... UGH!! If I have to be single, can't I at least get a clone?!
So, in my down mood, here's my list of some of the things I miss from my Charly being at school:
1. A second car/driver/ all around taxi... I was really spoiled when Charly could bring Jon home from work, take Jon to school, run to the grocery store/bank/etc. if I had something else I had to do or somewhere else to be!
2. My very own house elf! It drives Char nuts to see a mess (except in her own room ;)!) I would go to work or a meeting or the store or wherever and return to find the house cleaner than when I left- now it doesn't happen! Go figure.Where's my Dobby?!
3. A witness to the fact that Jon has memory problems, not me! (at least not yet!!) Before when Jon said, 'Mom, you never told me that', Charly would say, 'yes she did, Jon!" Now I only get the first half... have you ever tried to argue about the facts of a situation with someone with short term memory problems? Yeah, it NEVER works! I should know!
4. Jon's second mom... Charly is great at saying the SAME EXACT THING to Jon IN THE SAME EXACT WORDS I use- but guess what, where Jon would only heave an enormous sigh and roll his eyes at me, he will say 'ok' and do whatever Charly asks! I really miss Charly's sister super power!
5. Jon's best friend... Charly truly is one of Jon's best friends. She is someone he can confide in, someone who can get him to get out of his natural shell and do more (like go to football games, go on dates, have Halloween parties,...) I know I can't be that for Jon.
6. Notes on the bathroom mirror. Char would leave me occasional notes on the bathroom mirror (gotta love expo markers), and quite often those notes were things I really needed to hear- some of my SPED teacher training must have rubbed off on her because she always found something good to say about whatever life brought into our house!
7. My best friend- yes, Charly is still around quite often, but life (AS IT SHOULD!) has taken some of our time away. I often miss my best friend...
However, Charly is doing EXACTLY WHAT SHE SHOULD BE DOING at this time in her life- and it has brought so many blessings to all of us! Besides, I appreciate all of the things above precisely because she is not here right now.
Blessings in my life (too many to mention, but here are a few):
1. Extra work opportunities- making ends meet somewhere even close to the middle is more difficult, so every extra chance to earn a little bit here and there helps!
2. Jon and I being the only two home... as much as we both miss others, we are having fun along the way- just ask Jon about the DVD of the first season of the original Star Trek- don't think we've laughed so hard in a long time!
3. Charly at college- I am so proud of that young woman! Seeing her grow is an amazing blessing to me!
But this quote from my favorite author (Charly herself!) says it all for my week... (Thank you, Charly, for always reminding me of what I know to be true!):
"I knew that even though life was hard at that moment, the Lord knew what he was doing and that He was planning a happy eternity for me, better than I could imagine. All I had to do was my part, and He'd even help with that."
And being a single parent (not even having someone else to talk to/complain to/ garner sympathy from) well, it's frustrating on most weeks, but this week has been a real winner! I've been having trouble with the 'boys', one in the form of communication (or lack thereof) and one with some very teenage type behaviors! (including a really 'fun' talk with a teacher.) But none of that would be so hard if it weren't for everything else- Jon had another neuropsych eval (results coming soon)- meaning I had to take a day off (getting a sub always seems to triple the work when I get back), Jon had to miss a day of school (putting him behind), and I refuse to even think of the bill that will be coming- just in time for Christmas! (Merry Christmas to me!) Then there is the fun that comes from trying to make the budget somewhat balance... yes, I have some opportunities for a little extra work/money coming my way but- well, let's just say this: I found out my first day of attendance school duty will be the same day as P/T conferences, meaning a 'restful' 14 hour work day for me on a Tuesday! (with Wednesday & P/T conf. plus Thursday still to go). It's great that I have a chance to make a little extra for attendance school but really trying to remember why I volunteered to be at work at 6 AM! And what will Jon be up to without me home at all... UGH!! If I have to be single, can't I at least get a clone?!
So, in my down mood, here's my list of some of the things I miss from my Charly being at school:
1. A second car/driver/ all around taxi... I was really spoiled when Charly could bring Jon home from work, take Jon to school, run to the grocery store/bank/etc. if I had something else I had to do or somewhere else to be!
2. My very own house elf! It drives Char nuts to see a mess (except in her own room ;)!) I would go to work or a meeting or the store or wherever and return to find the house cleaner than when I left- now it doesn't happen! Go figure.Where's my Dobby?!
3. A witness to the fact that Jon has memory problems, not me! (at least not yet!!) Before when Jon said, 'Mom, you never told me that', Charly would say, 'yes she did, Jon!" Now I only get the first half... have you ever tried to argue about the facts of a situation with someone with short term memory problems? Yeah, it NEVER works! I should know!
4. Jon's second mom... Charly is great at saying the SAME EXACT THING to Jon IN THE SAME EXACT WORDS I use- but guess what, where Jon would only heave an enormous sigh and roll his eyes at me, he will say 'ok' and do whatever Charly asks! I really miss Charly's sister super power!
5. Jon's best friend... Charly truly is one of Jon's best friends. She is someone he can confide in, someone who can get him to get out of his natural shell and do more (like go to football games, go on dates, have Halloween parties,...) I know I can't be that for Jon.
6. Notes on the bathroom mirror. Char would leave me occasional notes on the bathroom mirror (gotta love expo markers), and quite often those notes were things I really needed to hear- some of my SPED teacher training must have rubbed off on her because she always found something good to say about whatever life brought into our house!
7. My best friend- yes, Charly is still around quite often, but life (AS IT SHOULD!) has taken some of our time away. I often miss my best friend...
However, Charly is doing EXACTLY WHAT SHE SHOULD BE DOING at this time in her life- and it has brought so many blessings to all of us! Besides, I appreciate all of the things above precisely because she is not here right now.
Blessings in my life (too many to mention, but here are a few):
1. Extra work opportunities- making ends meet somewhere even close to the middle is more difficult, so every extra chance to earn a little bit here and there helps!
2. Jon and I being the only two home... as much as we both miss others, we are having fun along the way- just ask Jon about the DVD of the first season of the original Star Trek- don't think we've laughed so hard in a long time!
3. Charly at college- I am so proud of that young woman! Seeing her grow is an amazing blessing to me!
But this quote from my favorite author (Charly herself!) says it all for my week... (Thank you, Charly, for always reminding me of what I know to be true!):
"I knew that even though life was hard at that moment, the Lord knew what he was doing and that He was planning a happy eternity for me, better than I could imagine. All I had to do was my part, and He'd even help with that."
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Lessons I Learned from Scooby-Doo!
Yes, I mean as in the cartoon TV show, 'Scooby-Doo'... I loved this cartoon when I was younger, and my kids and nieces & nephews, especially Jon, have learned to love it too! Yet, through the years, this fun little show has taught me some things that I want to share. (in no particular order)
(Yes, the blue pics are from a quilt I made Jon once upon a time!)
* Chase scenes (those hectic, maybe scary, frantic times of life) are always more fun (and bearable) with music! Music, especially music being blasted throughout the house with my kids, is the best life soundtrack anyone could ever want... when life gets how it always will get, try it- chase scenes aren't any fun without music!*The ghosts of life will always turn out to be 'a man with a mask'! The bad/scary/weird thing still happened, but if you hang in there, keep looking, examine those clues, rely on your 'gang', life will get better- even if it only means that you made it through.
* Life and its mysteries are more fun when you have the 'gang' along... I certainly have mine!
I relate to Velma! From her I have learned that being the smart girl is not a bad thing. I know this may sound a bit conceited on my part, but I was always the smart one- learning and school were and still are easy for me- so my friends made sure I knew they considered me the smart one in the group. But being book smart does not mean being other kinds of smart, and I wondered for many years if their comments were a good thing or not- Velma is book smart- and well liked by the gang too! So, being smart became a great thing to me!

Eric is our Freddie! He is that good-looking, oldest guy who always likes to think he is in charge and knows everything (really Velma was in charge, but she let Freddie think he was!) Eric does know a lot, is good at taking charge and terrific at figuring out directions- such a Freddie in our gang!

Charly- has to be Daphne! She is such an amazingly beautiful and talented young woman! But she does tend to get lost quite often... where would we be without our Daphne?!

Jon, well the pic says it all! The best friend to one and all- even the dog that people can't quite understand when he talks... just like Jon and his unique gift at understanding anyone who has an accent! Of course, Jon also has an appetite to rival even Shaggy's famous bottomless stomach! And he is a great friend to Velma (me!)- Jon is definitely our Shaggy (although much better looking!)
Now all we need to complete our gang is a Scooby-Doo!
Scooby-Doo, where are you?!!
* Life and its mysteries are more fun when you have the 'gang' along... I certainly have mine!
Eric is our Freddie! He is that good-looking, oldest guy who always likes to think he is in charge and knows everything (really Velma was in charge, but she let Freddie think he was!) Eric does know a lot, is good at taking charge and terrific at figuring out directions- such a Freddie in our gang!
Charly- has to be Daphne! She is such an amazingly beautiful and talented young woman! But she does tend to get lost quite often... where would we be without our Daphne?!

Jon, well the pic says it all! The best friend to one and all- even the dog that people can't quite understand when he talks... just like Jon and his unique gift at understanding anyone who has an accent! Of course, Jon also has an appetite to rival even Shaggy's famous bottomless stomach! And he is a great friend to Velma (me!)- Jon is definitely our Shaggy (although much better looking!)
Now all we need to complete our gang is a Scooby-Doo!
Scooby-Doo, where are you?!!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Creative and Clever OR Crazy and Cheap?!
I need to start by saying that I absolutely DO NOT like to sew! Now for those of you that have known me a while, this may seem like a very untrue statement. However, let me assure you, it is so very true (pun intended!) ! My mother was the best seamstress imaginable! She could make any article of clothing look better than store bought. She even made me the most gorgeous wedding dress! As the great mother that she was, Mom made sure that I learned how to sew. I spent most summers learning how to make ever more complicated patterns- even spent one summer putting 1/4 inch pleats in the front of a dress... this was NOT something I enjoyed-yes, I am grateful or the skills, proud of the final products, but laying out the patterns, cutting the fabric, marking the pieces, pinning it all together and sewing- these were all a chore... Sewing (as in from a pattern) NOT my idea of relaxation and fun.
That being said, I LOVE to create things on my own, things that do involve sewing the pieces together! The things I make are usually out of other things I have laying around the house (thus the cheap). I also make most of the things without any pattern, instructions, etc... and they end up taking quite a lot of time to make (thus the crazy).
But here are some reasons that I consider these things creative and clever...

This is Charly's Tie quilt: She wanted me to make her a wedding ring quilt, but I do not have the patience for that- so why did I think this would be any easier?! I basically embroidered the 2 ties together, then laid them out in a pattern that would give me the most rectangular shape (had to cut some pairs in half), embroidered the pattern together, then 'quilted' the entire thing onto a bedspread for stability... Then had the task of finishing the ends- decided to embroider more ties there for a finished look. Yes, it took a LONG time, but it turned out great!
This is a quilt I was able to make for a dear friend this summer. (Her father passed away, and I was able to use his jeans to make something for her to cherish.) I started making jean quilts so very long ago... back when I was making just $600 a month with 3 kids to support- they needed quilts. I had lots of worn out jeans, extra fabric thanks to my mom, and a lot more time than money. Thus began my obsession with saving jean material and turning it into something else. (Some people would say this makes me a bit cheap- I say I am very thrifty!)

Speaking of thrifty- this is another item I sent to school with Charly. I made each of my kids one of these giant jean pillows for watching tv (none of them will sit on the couch. They all insist on sitting on the floor- but that's a story for another day...) Not only did I make the outside out of jeans/shirts that used to be Charly's, but I also made the inside 'pillow' from worn out blankets and stuffed it with leftover scraps of batting! It cost me time and nothing else! I love it!!!
Lastly, a few years ago, I needed an idea for Christmas presents for my older nephews. These types of backpacks were popular- so I created a pattern and they turned out great!- However, they cost me for rivets for the corners- (yes, the cheap coming out again)- so this summer, I dusted off my button- hole attachment and after some bumpsalong the way, made these for Jon... and on the inside, I used a torn dress shirt and worn out slacks! Now if only I could figure out how to make the rope, they would be free!!!
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