This year our family has a most wonderful Christmas present! My nephew, Jeremy, will be departing on his LDS mission to Finland next Wednesday! I am so excited for him and so proud of his decision to serve the Lord! However, we couldn't let him miss the family Christmas; so we are holding it one week early...
So in that spirit, here is this year's Christmas letter:
Greetings to all our family and friends,
This has been an exciting year for us, full of adventures, with the end of some familiar things and the start of many new!!
Jonathan became an only child, in more ways than one. With Charly’s eighteenth birthday, Jon is now the only non-adult member of our family. He is also the only one of the children still living at home. He has done well with the adjustment, succeeding in school, spending time with friends, and still finding time to spend with Mom. Jon has also constructed a home theater system in our basement. It is so wonderful to be able to spend time relaxing and enjoying the fruits of his labors!
Charly has grown up! Not only does she still enjoy her Irish step-dancing, but she has become a teacher of the adult classes. Charly absolutely loves to teach dance, and I am sure her students love having her teach! Charly has also moved out to attend UVU. She is just finishing her first semester, doing a fabulous job! And please stay tuned for a VERY exciting announcement regarding Charly’s talents the first part of next year!
Eric returned from his successful LDS mission in California , graduated with his Associate’s degree from Snow College, and got married! Yes, I have another daughter!!! Alison and Eric are thriving in their new life together, and we are so thrilled to have them as part of our family. Alison just completed her degree from BYU, and Eric is starting his at the U of U. Their life is wonderful, as it should be!
I bid a fond farewell to Riverton High School and now teach at Herriman High School . The change was a lot of work, but Herriman HS is a great school- And what an adventure for me!
We hope that life is well with all of you. Have a great new year!

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