If you ask Luke how he is doing, he will always say, "Life is good!"
And he's right!
But life is also challenging...
With his CFS, Luke can choose to either help around the house or use his energy to work on getting well/making a living, etc.
So our house has become a 'magical' house!
We have a magical refrigerator, microwave and table!
Food just magically appears for Luke when needed.
We have a magical clothes hamper and chest of drawers!
Luke's dirty clothes disappear from the hamper and reappear when clean in the drawers.
We have a magical dishwasher!
Luke's dirty dishes disappear and reappear clean and full of food on the table.
The list goes on and on... And I do enjoy taking care of things I can to help Luke- but some days the list does seem to go on and on. Some days I don't quite feel like being magical.
SO it's a really good thing that I truly love Luke!
And I KNOW that he truly loves me too! After all, he is the man who surprised me with a 'magically' cleaned toilet- and to me, that is a sure sign of true love!