Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Staying Home During Spring Break...

When I can't go visit my littles, I NEED to stay busy!

Worked on some jean quilts...

and made some dishcloths...



Love curry!

Luke's black bean/quinoa 'meatloaf'

LOVE quinoa burgers!

and played in the dirt...

Garlic- yum!

Peas coming up!

and flowers coming...

Not quite the spring break I was planning, but grateful I can keep busy!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

What do you do when you can't color eggs with the littles?

I bake! Whole grain Challah bread (even used powdered egg!)

Luke's "meatloaf" - without the meat, of course... really quinoa and black bean loaf- Yum!

Chocolate Zuc muffins with homemade salted caramel 'frosting'

And I cook...

Black bean/quinoa burgers!

And of course, lots of wheat bread!

And as I was craving ice cream, I was fortunate to discover some frozen strawberries and bananas in the freezer. This shake will do as well as any old ice cream!

So grateful to be able to bake!