Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wonderfully Weird & Weirdly Wonderful!

In just five short months, it's weird but the best dates have been:

1. Old person off-roading... Older car, NOT going fast, but you should have seen the ruts! Some were more than two feet deep! So much fun! And we never did really get to where we were going- actually had to turn around!

2. A date to the dump! He had helped cut down a tree and borrowed his dad's truck... What made it fun was the great conversation on the way, of course! But then again, how many girls can say they have had a date to the city dump?!

3. Cleaning the church- twice! (two different buildings on two different dates, that is!) it was actually great to help out and to do it together! 

4. And the BEST dates by far? The temple dates! Who would have guessed that spending most of the time apart could be the most wonderful of all!

Life is wonderful when this type of date is great!!

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