I made this cake this weekend, and it reminds me so much of my mother! She would make this cake for very special occasions, like my birthday... Yum! I am so blessed to have learned so much from her!
My mother was one of the ultimate blessings in my life! She is the person I would someday like to be. Mom worked hard for all of us, but she also knew how to have fun! She was always cooking, cleaning, canning, gardening, etc- always caring for us! Yet, even when we lived in MN, Mom would find time to fulfill all of her church callings, including Primary President when Primary was during the week and church was 1/2 hour away, Relief Society President (including helping to dress the sisters who passed on), teacher, visiting teacher, and on and on. Mom also, when we moved to UT, made to attend the temple every week. I well remember her preparations on Tuesday nights and knowing how important the Lord was to my mother.
Mom also had a thankful heart. She would leave me thank you notes under my pillow almost weekly- notes thanking me for making my bed, helping a sibling, or just for being me. It was such a special thing that I am so very grateful for those notes now that she has passed away. I found out that Mom mailed these types of notes to all of our friends and neighbors too. All who knew my mom know that she cared about them and was very sincere in her wonderful attitude towards people and life.
I am blessed to have my mother as such a wonderful example to me!