Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Signs I Married a Disney Prince!

After 'much' Internet research on the matter (ie: this blogpost entitled Signs you are dating a Disney prince - and go to the link if you like Disney. They have great pics!!!),  I have come to realize that I really did marry my very own Disney prince- and yes, he is charming- just stop by one night while he is flossing his teeth!

Sign 1: He will probably be charming. That just goes without saying. Sometimes, he’ll even be named “Charming.” Or maybe just Eric.

See! Luke is charming. And he may not be named 'Eric'- but his name has four letters! Just like 'Eric'!!!

Sign 2: Said bloke will show up out of nowhere at just the right point in the song you are listening to/singing. And maybe he’ll show up again out of nowhere at just the right point to wake you from a magical spell.

Yes, Luke showed up out of nowhere the minute I signed up for eHarmony! And he keeps waking me every morning from those magical dreams... 

Sign 3: He’ll have a thing for wearing tights/male leggings (either name for them is correct).

Yes, he does- at least from the end of August until the beginning of May each year. Leastwise, he wears these things called long johns- those are the same as leggings, right?

Sign 4: You might be dating a Disney Prince if his preferred mode of dance is a smooth, romantic spin, as evidenced here: (here the original blog has clips of Belle, Cinderella, and Aurora all doing the smooth, romantic spin with their prince- so fun!

Smooth, romantic spin is the only dance Luke currently knows... and what a prince! He even wants to take dancing lessons!!!

Sign 5: He might be a bit of a show-off. But come on: what’s the point of being a DISNEY PRINCE if you don’t get to flaunt it every now and then to all the non-princes.

Yes, that's my prince on the unicycle!!!

Sign 6: His hair is better than yours. You might have Ariel-level bangs and Rapunzel-quality shine, but come on, just look at Prince Eric. LOOK AT HIM.

I'm not sure if Luke even owns a comb... but he doesn't need one. His hair is so great and so cooperative that a brush through with his fingers always suffices.

Sign 7: If you’re still not sure if you’re dating a Disney Prince, inspect the teeth. They are sure to be astonishingly nice, white, and sparkling.

Have I mentioned Luke's flossing habits?! And don't even get me started on the brushing... Let's just say that I have plenty of nightly reading time while waiting on the tooth care ritual. But I am NOT complaining... LOVE his smile!

Sign 8: Disney Princes also have a real knack for accessories. Check out this cape + jaunty cap combination.

No, it's not a cape or cap... it's Ear Warmers! Luke wore another pair of this delightful accessory on our first official date (and it was the end of April, 60+ degrees...)! No wonder I fell in love with this prince!

Sign 9: As far as romantic logistics, Disney Princes are pretty idealistic about the concept of “the ONE.” Step aside, everyone else!

Well, Luke did decide I was the One- eventually. But I love his dad the most! After Luke had been out with me and was talking about some others he was planning to date, his father asked: "If you've already found gold, why are you mining for silver?" Yep, I definitely love his dad!!!

Sign 10: He might be a frog. This sign is less helpful when one considers all the frogs out there, but in the spirit of lists, we’re mentioning it.

Some may consider the pic above to depict a frog- but I know for certain there is a prince inside!!! And he is mine!

Sign 11: You might be dating a Disney Prince if he lives in a castle. (This one seems pretty obvious, but Belle didn’t exactly pick up on this one right away, despite all that book learning.)

Luke married me in a 'castle'. Took me to be sealed to him, in fact. for time and for all eternity! Enough said!

Sign 12: And finally, if you are truly and really dating a Disney Prince, he can probably do this:(pic of Flynn Rider's 'smolder' here)

That's my prince!!!

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