Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Uphill. Both Ways. In the Snow- Kind of Week!

Only, it was record warmth here- no real snow... but plenty of chilly life challenges!

Yeah- This week, I am the frog!

But I am so grateful for the blessing of attending sacrament meeting. Here is a small part of what I learned:

A quote from Elder Holland (general conference): "God never leaves us alone." Pray for guidance always!

The Lord tells us what we need to do, but it is up to us to do it- to be obedient.

The Lord always blesses us when we are obedient.

I was reminded of a dark time in my life. I had just found out some very difficult realities concerning my now ex-husband, and I had decided that despite having 3 young children under the age of seven, no job, two mortgages, and a seven year old college degree w/out work experience, I had to file for divorce. I felt very alone that day, very discouraged. It felt as if all of my hopes and dreams would never be a reality. 
My mother graciously took the children to her home so that I could think and try to plan my next step in life... I couldn't. All I could do was to sit in a rocking chair, rock and cry. But as I poured my heart out to my Father in Heaven, something wonderful happened that I will NEVER forget:
 I felt my Savior's arms wrap around me and comfort me. It was not just in my head- it was a real sensation- as real as anything I have ever known. He 'held' me when I needed Him most.
 Now the situation of my life then did not change, things did not suddenly become easy. I did file for divorce and had to deal with all of the realities of raising those children on my own- but, from that moment on, things, in a very real sense, did get easier. I KNOW I was not alone then and am not alone now. I KNOW that my Father in Heaven is real and is there always. He cares, He loves me, and He loves you too.

We will always get more blessings than we deserve. I am so grateful for this reality even as I continue to trudge uphill in the 'snow'- both ways!

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