Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Case of a Missing Husband!

Christmas was spectacular!!! It was so fun to talk of Christ and giving with family- and see Abby!

But a big part of the fun came from an idea Luke had- working on family history. I finally found a name for the missing husband!

It all started back this summer when my dad gave me some family group sheets. I discovered that my great, great grandfather had married a gal who had been previously married and had had children. The family sheets showed a son and a daughter. Well, after some digging, I came across my great, great's obituary only to discover that he had had a step-son and TWO step-daughters! I found Carrie H. and her husband, Ralph R... but this is where it became perplexing. You see, Carrie was listed as MRS. Carrie H. when she married Ralph. Why would 2 different marriage records record her as a MRS. previous to her marriage- and with her maiden name. Hmmm. Then I discovered a census record that listed a son for Carrie (a step-son for Ralph)- William H. That's right, this son had Carrie's maiden name.


It seemed that there must be a missing husband, but why would Carrie not use his last name for their son?

I found all of this many, many months ago and have spent many, many hours trying to sort this out every way I know how... no luck.

Then, Christmas day, I found a clue- and some more questions.
Carrie H. had 2 other children, Lillian and Hazel- but both had Carrie's maiden name! No amount of searching had the answer.

UNTIL I came across a census record that listed Carrie H as being adopted by Anthony R and wife, Anna, Carrie's parents former neighbors- Ah ha!

Now I could search for Carrie R. instead of Carrie H. and with SO MUCH help form the Lord, I was able to find a name for the missing husband... drumroll...

Sam H- Carrie's exact same last name! Hence the children have that surname as well!

My very own Christmas miracle!! It is very humbling to know that I only made these discoveries thanks to inspiration- for me, it would have been very easy to just give up or make incorrect assumptions rather than to keep pursuing an apparent dead end.

And I know I am not finished here- I feel very compelled to keep going, to find out more... 

So I will- and it's fun too!

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