Why this blog...

I am the mother of the three most talented, intelligent and beautiful children ever to live on this earth. I am also privileged to be married to the most wonderful man! He has added three additional talented, intelligent and beautiful children to our family! I have a job that I mostly love, a wonderful education, a beautiful home, marvelous family, and I have the privilege of belonging to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been greatly blessed in my life, but I sometimes forget that. So, I decided to create this blog as a way to remind myself of all the many blessings and miracles that surround me. (I'm also terrible at keeping a journal- so this will be something for my kids to enjoy as well.)

I hope you enjoy what you read. I would love to hear what you think!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Gratitude for My Family's Current Missionary.

This week has been more than just hard. So many very large challenges, not the least of which is Luke's illness being worse than ever. 

Things feel so difficult that it is hard to see any good things happening...

Then I read this from my wonderful nephew, Jeremy, who is serving The Lord in Finland:

"This week has been a pretty fun week as we got several chances from some great service!!! We got to experience how Finns build their houses and actually got to help lay the foundations for one of the service projects that we did this week!! The other one was we helped some people move and it was amazing how much stuff they had!! It was super fun but also super tiring as I'm sure everyone that has moved will understand!! But it really taught me an important lesson!!! It taught me that even when our needs are great that the joy is found in helping others!!! The moving and everything took a huge toll on my body but we still had a great time in helping. And it was amazing because the pain was the least when we were helping move all the heavy stuff!! It really reminded me of our Savior how even though He had greater needs than anyone He still payed the price for me!! I really have gained a greater appreciation of the atonement!!! This gospel is true and serving people is great!! "

Things are still scary hard, but maybe this will help lessen the scary.

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