One of the things I truly love about Luke is that he gets me- he understands my weird references and jokes without explanation! Example:
He asked if he could call me 'Gorgeous' instead of 'Beautiful'- as he put it, it's easier... after all, it only has 2 syllables as opposed to 3!
My reply: 'Unless you are from the south, that is!'
And he laughed! Right away!
You see, I know this due to my wonderful college roommate from Virginia who could call me nothing shorter than 'Dee-Ann-Ann'. Her dialect just wouldn't allow her to say 'Deanne'... spent the funniest hour listening to her try, though- I think all of us laughed so hard we cried!
And I get him too! Must be the perfect combination of nerd-iness! Our poor friends and family in a few years!
This reminds me of one thing I love about my Adilynne and Makayla: one used to call me 'Aunt Dee' (I miss that!) and the other still calls me 'Aunt DeeDandy'! I will miss it when she grows up!
But I love it now and what a blessing!